By Freya Metcalfe
Let’s see what the night brings.
This long night,
The dark sister of daylight,
Seems softer this time,
Not sleeping.
This one is different.
What this night brings is sunlight,
Dissolved to a shimmer,
Heaviness thicker
And still in the air.
There’s a silence.
Her sleep deepens.
Time slows
As histories flow
And the world runs revolutions around this
Slight lights of life
Dance in breaking hearts and quiet corners,
Sing slow in bright spaces.
Familiar eyes meet over bed sheets
As hands meet beneath them.
Breaths quieten,
Hold tight for the next time.
Screens spit forth a summary of a life too deep to know.
Sentiments too wide to speak
Shrink to scribbles on scrap paper.
Shallow breaths,
Pictures painted in whispers just out of reach.
An unseen hand draws a curtain.
Day breaks
Hearts ache
Tomorrow lifts the weight.