I share a room with a demon that lives in my head,
The nights are unsettling and consumed by dread.
The thing’s he says are so untrue but it’s not what
He says it’s what he forces me to do. When I
See his face my blood runs cold, the story until
Now has remained untold. You see this demon
Is depression and it makes me feel blue, a
Lost soul to the evening shadows and morning
dew. I am anxious and enslaved to these feelings
I have and more often than not this demon drives
Me mad. I wake up in the morning but it’s
The darkness I see, I can’t understand why this
Bastard won’t let me be. I struggle within
And fight the thoughts that I have but my
Weakness is his strength and it makes me
Feel bad. Medication is a crutch and it weakens
His hold but the reality is that his grasp is twofold.
He has a hand on my mind and the other on my
Throat and he steals the air that keeps me afloat.